What is the difference between pedal assist and throttle?

Pedal assist and throttle are two types of boost modes in electric bikes. Pedal assist mode means that the electric motor assists the rider as they pedal, while throttle mode allows the rider to control how much assistance they get from the motor with a throttle. In other words, in pedal assist mode, the motor only kicks in when the rider is pedaling, while in throttle mode, the rider can use the throttle to activate the motor without pedaling. (source: [Super73](https://super73.com/blogs/guides/pedal-assist-vs-throttle), [E-Bicycles](https://www.ebicycles.com/throttle-vs-pedal-assist/))

Electric bikes have 3 different types or class, two of which are the pedal assist and the full throttle.

A pedal assist electric bike is designed that the motor would engage and help make pedaling so much easier for riders. This uses a lesser battery than the full-throttle electric bike as well.

A full-throttle electric bike on the other hand has a motor that can be activated through either a twist throttle or a thumb throttle. The bike would go for miles without pedaling but it would also drain out the battery faster than with pedal assist.

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